Physical Education


PED 0210: A/B PE Advanced Co-Ed

Credits 1.0 (0.5 Credits Per Semester)

This course is designed to give a basic foundation in PE by exposing students to team and individual sports, with different sports featured each semester. This course can be repeated for credit.

PED 0220/0232: Weight Training A/B

Credits 1.0 (0.5 Credits Per Semester)
This course introduces students to all types of resistance training. The class consists of a four-day weight-lifting program with emphasis on technique and safety. One day per week is designated for fitness-related activity. It may be repeated for credit.

PEDC 111/112: IGCSE PE A/B

Credits 1.0 (0.5 Credits Per Semester)

A Cambridge PE course for freshmen and sophomore students with an interest in athletics, sports medicine, athletic training and coaching, physical therapy or even medicine. Students will develop their knowledge and understanding physical performance in a modern world; apply this knowledge and understanding to improve their performance; perform in a range of physical activities, developing skills and techniques, and selecting and using tactics, strategies and/or compositional ideas; understand and appreciate safe practice in physical activity and sport; understand and appreciate the benefit of physical activityand sport for health, fitness and well-being and much more.