Agriscience Pathway

Degrees and Certificates


AGR 0103/0104: Ag Biology A/B

Credits 1.0 (0.5 Credits Per Semester)
Students in this Agriculture related course will learn how agriculture plays a role in the U.S. and world economy. Students will get "hands on” instruction in preparation in the areas of cell respiration & growth, genetics, taxonomy, microorganisms, animal health, animal nutrition, animal growth and evolution. This course is designed to meet all AZ Biology Standards. This is a Career and Technical Education class which requires student membership in the FFA, an Agriscience Youth Leadership organization and for students to have an SAE (Supervised Agriculture Experience) which involves opportunities for students to learn howto run businesses or participate in careers in the diverse Agriculture Industry.

AGR 0211/0224: Ag Welding 1 & 2

Credits 1.0 (0.5 Credits Per Semester)

This course is designed to explore the welding fabrication industry. Students will learn basic shop safety with an introduction to O.S.H.A.  Apply technical knowledge and skills to join or cut metal surfaces.  Students will be taught AWS positions in plate steel with SMAW (stick), and GMAW (MiG) welding, tool use and identification for welding, Oxy/Acetylene torch operation, plasma cutting operation, metal band saw operation, and artistic functions of welding, ferrous and non-ferrous materials, welding metallurgy, welding processes and heat treating, structural design, and applicable codes and standards. Successful competition of this class will have you ready to apprentice as a journeyman welder or continue at college level to get AWS certifications. 

AGR 0311/0312: Ag MechanicsA/B

Credits 1.0 (0.5 Credits Per Semester)

In this course, students will learn the basics of shop safety with an introduction to O.S.H.A., proper tool use and identification, mechanical knowledge, small engine repair, gasoline engine repair, diagnostics, diesel engine repair, body and interior reconstruction, mechanical drivetrain, braking systems to include air, hydraulic, and hybrid braking systems, and fabrication. This course can be taken in addition to Ag Bio and Advanced Ag Bio to become a program completer in the area of AgriScience.

AGR0322: DCE AgriScience

This course utilizes Diversified Cooperative Education (DCE) methodology, one teacher responsible for students within multiple program areas, to combine school-based and supervised work-based learning experiences related to the standards identified for the AgriScience Program.

AGR 1201/1202: Advanced Ag Biology A/B

Credits 1.0 (0.5 Credits Per Semester)
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of animal anatomy, physiology, genetics, reproduction, growth, nutrition, health, and agribusiness principles. This is a Career and Technical Education class which requires student membership in the FFA, an Agriscience Youth Leadership organization, and for students to have an SAE (Supervised Agriculture Experience) which involves opportunities for students to learn howto run businesses or participate in careers in the diverse Agriculture Industry.

AGR 1301/1302: Agriscience 1 A/B

Credits 1.0 (0.5 Credits Per Semester)

This course deals with advanced science principles in agriculture. Plant and Animal Biological concepts are further explored and projects related to course content are demonstrated through SAEs, including live shows, science fairs, and independent research. Continued leadership practice through FFA are advanced. FFA enrollment is automatic.

AGR 1401/1402: Agriscience 2 A/B

Credits 1.0 (0.5 Credits Per Semester)

A capstone-type course for students advancing their understanding of Ag Science, Ag Technology, Ag Leadership and or Ag Communications. Students will be very active in leading FFA activities, attending FFA conferences, and successful CDE competitions. College and Career preparation is emphasized. FFA enrollment is automatic.

SCIA 1281/1282: Ag Horticulture A/B

Credits 1.0 (0.5 Credits Per Semester)

Horticulture is plant science that includes the study of plant growth and plant interactions with the environment (soil, air, water) through “hands on” cultivation of crops and maintenance of a sustainable environment by working in a greenhouse for plant production, harvesting, propagation, irrigation, effects of sunlight, water, air, temperature, plant growth regulators on plants. Greenhouse management and automation enhances the students understanding of plant and crop production.